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24 December 2013

Demon x Angel

Chapter Two

Shiva slid her hand down and slipped it into her pants. Eve blushed more as she felt two fingers slide a bit into her. Shiva broke the kiss. "You're already so wet," she purred. Eve just kept silent, feeling shy and nervous.
The look on her face caused the she-devil to smirk. She moved her fingers to her clit and began teasing it. She began kissing the angel's neck, turning the quickly melting girl on more. When the attack included bites and licks, soft moans escaped Eve's perfect lips. Shiva shivered a bit with desire when she moaned her name.
Eve moaned louder when the teasing of her clit became too much and pleasure coursed through her. Her body twitched with the constant attack. Shiva smirked and bit down on her soft spot, causing a cry of delight to escape her lips. "Ah! Ah! Ah! Shiva! Ah! Ah! Ah!" she moaned.
Shiva smirked as she cried out when she was brought to a release from the constant attack on her clit. Eve's face was still bright red as Shiva began undressing her.

(Chapter Three will be up soon. >:D lol Enjoy!)

23 December 2013

Demon x Angel

(Before I post this little story that came to mind, I want to make clear that the Shiva in here isn't me. :) It's a character I made for a devil side of one of my characters by the name of Univa. :3 Eve is the angel side. You know, the devil and angel that everyone has to tell them what to do in a situation? haha!)
(also the design of the room has been left to your imagination. :3 have fun!)

Chapter One

Eve sighed as she sat in her room, unable to clear her mind. It'd been three weeks now since she realized she'd grown feelings for her counterpart, Shiva. The demon woman was off on another one night stand. Or so she thought.
Blue eyes that were as blue as a blue diamond looked up at the door when it started to open. She was surprised to see the target of her infatuation. Shiva's red eyes were full of lust. Eve gave a confused look. "Why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be with Devil?"
"He's not available. Don't you know he's in love with Angel?"
"Seriously? I didn't think he'd ever fall in love with another guy."
"And I didn't think I'd fall in love with another girl."
Eve took a brief moment to realize what she said. "What!" she asked in shock.
She nodded as she stepped into the room and closed the door behind her. She locked it. She looked at Eve and smirked. "Eve, you yourself are a little devil for stealing my heart."
Eve blushed bright red. "I-I stole your heart?" Her heart picked up its pace.
"Yes and now you have to pay for it," she purred as she climbed onto her bed. Eve wasn't sure what to do as she let the demon climb on top of her. Shiva's long black hair fell over her shoulders and brushed Eve's white skin. She pushed Eve's light blonde bangs away from her face.
Eve couldn't look away from those alluring red eyes. She knew she was caught in her spell. Her face grew redder when the she-devil suddenly kissed her. Her eyes were quick to close when Shiva slipped her tongue into her mouth and began to explore. Eve wrapped her arms around her neck. 'I can't believe it! She feels the same! ...Where is this going?' she thought. She could feel her body getting turned on from the now hot make-out and her roaming hands.

(Cliffhanger! You want more, I know. :3 Just wait till tomorrow.)

16 December 2013

On Shaken Ground: Chapter 2

Year 15X
Warring Zones between the Zerf and Albard Nations
No Man's Land

"Fuck!" The man picked himself up, holding a hand over his eye. The blood oozed stickily through his fingers and down his face. "Sir! Shall we send for a medic?" a soldier asked, helping him up. "Get the fuck off of me!" The man shoved him away. "Where's the fucking medic!?" A soldier saluted and shook from the news. "General Korbachov, our only platoon medic, was shot by them." The man glared right into the soldier's mask and then grabbed the soldier's pistol from him and shot him. "Anyone else!?" Korbachov waved his gun around, pointing at the dead soldier with his bloody hand. "Who has medical training!?" A soldier stepped forward and shakily saluted. "I know some basic surgery, Sir!" Korbachov grabbed him by the collar as he snarled at him. "Then prep a fucking tent and fix my fucking eye!" Korbachov shoved him off and angrily stormed off. "Let's go, fuck nuts!" The new medical soldier scurried after Korbachov as mortar fire echoed in the distance.

Year 15X
Warring Zones between Zerf and Albard Nations
Unknown Bunker in now enemy territory

Julia slowly began regaining consciousness as the mortar fire became less frequent. She rolled over on the table she was on, holding her head and groaning. "I feel like someone hammered my skull apart." Amy put a gentle hand on Julia's shoulder. "Ease up a bit. Your suffering from Shell Shock. It'll blow over in a minute." Amy's mouth twitched as she talked. Julia squinted up at Amy in the bright light hanging over head. "What happened?" Amy pulled over a chair and sat down by the table. "You got hit by mortar shrapnel. I patched you up but you were in shock for the better part of three hours." Julia groaned as she rolled onto her back. "Do you have any water?" Amy got up and unclipped the flask from her waist. With one hand she propped up Julia and helped her drink. Julia coughed from drinking too much and sat up. "My head's swimming. I feel like I'm drunk again." Amy smiled and clipped the flask back onto her waist. "Again?" Julia hopped down from the table and steadied herself. "Shut up." Another mortar blast shook the bunker causing Julia to stumble into the chair. "Jesus. How long have we been here?" Amy checked her wrist watch and then tapped the cracked glass. "Doesn't tell time. As far as I know maybe ten hours." Julia put her hand on her side and flinched in pain. "Fuck. What the hell?" She pulled back her jacket to reveal bandages wrapped around her waist. "I had to take a few shards from the blast out of both of us. You ended up with a nasty one right in the side. Must've been a real chip off the old block." Julia buttoned her uniform jacket carefully and winced. "Did you just make a joke?" Amy grinned. "I did." Julia shook her head ad she stood up. "That was terrible. I hope your combat skills are better than your jokes." Amy laughed and tossed a shiny wrapped package at Julia who promptly caught it. "Food ration. Eat up. There's a few left." Amy went over to a table and began looking over a geographical map as Julia ate.

Once Julia finished, she went over to Amy and looked over at the map. "What's this?" Amy shook her head. "I was never good with Geography. I'm better at remembering key landmarks to find where I'm going." Julia's eyes scoured the map. "We were at Point E Sector 4 when we met each other. What direction did you take us?" Amy shook her head. "No clue. I spent an hour dragging you along to find a safe place." 
Julia murmured something to herself as she kept searching for their position on the map.

Suddenly, a radio crackled to life and broken words fumbled from its speakers. Julia rushed over and began twisting the knobs. "What are you doing?" Amy asked walking over with her lip twitching. "Trying to get a better frequency," Julia replied as the words became slightly more audible. "What if it's a trap? Like they find us if we lock on to their frequency?" Julia froze for a moment, pondering the possibilities. "Only one way to find out," she said, clicking another dial that fixed the transmission.

"Come in, any survivors. Come in. Zerf or Albard, it doesn't matter. We managed to survive and are hiding. There's not many of us but we have secured a church abbey in Sector 35 Point F. Please, if anyone is there, gather others and head for the church. We need to regroup and get all the help we can."

The transmission played again and again in a continuous loop. "Is it a trap?" Amy asked, biting her lip. Julia shook her head and sighed. "I don't know." "Should we go and see?" Julia stared at the radio while a sick feeling washed over her. They could die and no one would know of the invasion. No one would be able to stop it. They could if they got help. A voice in her head yelled at her to just hide but her training said no. "Yeah," Julia said, swallowing her fear. "Let's check it out." 

Bloopers, Glitches & Silly Stuff - GTA V - FUNNY MOMENTS (Bloopers)

13 December 2013

A Snowy Love

A sixteen-year-old boy walked down a mountain path in search of his best friend. He held his thinning robe close to his body with one hand and held the tip of his hood with the other. The strong wind swept the blizzard snow around. The dimming light added to the low visibility. His dark brown eyes scanned everywhere as he called out his friend's name.
With no answer to his call, he marched forward. Worry was heavy on his mind. 'I hope to the gods that he is alive.' He'd been meaning to confess for a while now and had planned to as soon as he returned from his journey to the capital. He'd come home to find out that his crush had been missing for all day. As soon as his mother said those words, he was out the door.
He stopped when he saw bloody footprints on the path. 'Deniz!' He quickly followed the footprints to his friend. "Deniz!" he called out when he saw him against a tree.
Deniz opened his red eyes. He looked up and saw him. "Ace!" he said weakly. "Help me!"
Ace helped him up off the ground and they started back home. The blizzard didn't take long to force them to take shelter in a cave along the path. Ace lit a fire with the flint in his satchel after gathering wood. Deniz winced as Ace began treating his wound on his leg. "What happened to you?"
"I was out hunting when a wolf pack attacked. I lost my bow while running and falling down a cliff. I lost the pack but was unable to make sense of the direction home was in. I guess I was heading away. I don't know what hurt my leg but it was probably a branch hanging out of the cliff."
"You shouldn't have left without your brother."
"You know Dagger wouldn't help."
He sighed. "I know." He hated his brother because of the way he treated Deniz.
An hour or so passed before he spoke again. "Um...Deniz..."
"Yeah?" he asked as he looked up at him. He was leaning against him. Ace looked down at him, his cheeks a light pink. Deniz was looking at him expectantly.
"I....guess now is a better time than love you."
Deniz blushed and smiled after a moment of surprise. "I love you, too."
Ace blushed more. Deniz chuckled and took his hand before kissing him. "I'm so happy to know you return my feelings."
"Me, too," Ace said with a smile.
They kissed again, each full of love for the other.

11 December 2013


A new title has been added: Cosmic Cosplay. A link is provided in the link box.

08 December 2013

On Shaken Ground: Chapter 1

Year 15X
Warring Zones between the Zerf and Albard Nations
No Man's Land

    A low fog hung around the tops of the trenches on the battle field. A mix of dissipated gases and gunpowder made the fog have a sharp feel as it entered the nostrils of anyone who took a breath. Two lone soldiers stood in the midst of a trench, guns drawn and locked onto each other. They had been in a stalemate for what seemed like a century. Neither had budged in hours since the two sides had collided. Even in the cool of the fog both were sweating slightly from the mental and physical concentration to not take their eyes or their gun off their enemy. "I can do this all day," said the one in green mocking the other who wore a blue uniform. Amy Williams was the one in the green uniform. Her eyes and hair were colored a fair brown. The green uniform she proudly wore was splotched with mud that covered almost every aspect of her body. She was smilingly nervously at the other who returned a cold unemotional stare. The one in the blue uniform was known as Julia Vernald. Her blue eyes were as dark as the ocean's color and her blonde hair was neatly tucked into her cap. "If you were smart," remarked Julia, "you would not smile. It is a sign of weakness." Amy's smile faded but her lip twitched nervously. "I can't help if I find something funny." Julia frowned her mind curious but her strict training told her to focus on the stalemate. There was an awkward silence before Julia's curiosity won her over. "What's so funny?" Amy smiled again but quickly calmed her nervous habit. "It's just us right now. There hasn't been any shots fired in a long while." Julia's eyes flashed as her ears perked to listen to their surroundings. It was dreadfully silent and even the sound of the wind blowing was absent. "I don't like it," said Amy, her voice growing concerned for her men. "Neither do I," replied Julia, hiding her concern. "Shall we create a temporary truce?" Amy blinked in surprised and licked her lips tasting mud. "A truce? Now?" Julia lowered her pistol but sustained eye contact with Amy. "Yes. Now." Amy fidgeted and finally lowered her weapon and held out her hand. "Alright, but we shake on it. Just to be sure we're both on the same page." They both stepped forward and grasped each others forearms and gave it a rough shake before stepping back. "Good," Amy said, wiping her brow, smearing mud on her forehead. "Now what?" The sound of clapping echoed from the top of the trench as two soldiers dressed in brown uniforms and their faces covered with gas masks pointed their weapons from behind both Amy and Julia. "Drop the weapons is what you will do first."  Amy and Julia dropped their pistols and the two soldiers retrieved them. "Bring them here." The masked soldiers handed the pistols to the figure who was shrouded in the fog. "Now, you two help them up here. I want them to see our next phase." Amy mumbled something and was rewarded with the butt of a masked soldier's machine gun. Amy spat blood and smiled. "What's the matter? Never hit a girl hard before?"
    "Commander Williams and Admiral Vernald. It is a pleasure to meet you both." A handsome man with a jagged scar across his cheek greeted them with a mischievous grin. His sharp hazel eyes boasted of a malicious temper but his looks made him look as docile as a deer. Even his hair had been neatly combed to one side. Behind him multitudes of masked soldiers held what was left of their soldiers at gunpoint as far as they could see. In the distance a shot could be heard once in a while. "Your men are brave but fools. Those sounds," he said, stepping up to the two women and gesturing behind him, "are the fools. Gunned down as the dogs they are." Julia delivered a swift kick which caught the man right between the legs and sent him reeling. The two masker soldiers who had retrieved Julia and Amy rushed to Julia but the man croaked out a 'stop'. As he got back up, he groaned with pain. "I'll handle this." His right hand soared out and clocked Julia right on the chin. It was enough to turn her head but she remained where she stood. "A tough one huh?" He snapped his fingers and the two men smacked both Amy and Julia with the butt of their rifle sending them to their knees. The man strolled right behind them and pointed the pistols at the back of their heads. "See, I'm going to kill you both with each other's guns. Different models means different bullets. Your nations would never use the same weapons. My empire won't care as long as it works." Amy's mouth twitched and Julia went completely silent with her tied up hair now dangling in her face. The man laughed and cocked both pistols. "I do believe this is where the antagonist asks for the final words." He laughed as a barrage of gunfire signaled the death of Amy and Julia's soldiers. When the smoke cleared, a single choked sob came from Amy as she stared at the bodies in green uniforms. "Commander." Amy turned her grief stricken face towards Julia who was staring at her dead men. "Is it true your nation of Albard has a saying, 'An eye for an eye'?" Amy shook her head sadly. "It makes the whole world blind." Julia's eyelid twitched as she sneered. "Then let's leave them with one eye." 
Julia spun her leg sweeping out from under the man. In one fluid motion she stole back her gun and fired two rounds killing the soldiers blocking their way to the trenches. "Holy fuck! How did you-!?" Julia squeezed the trigger again and blasted a hole clean through the side of the man's right eye. He screamed in pain and shock as blood gushed from his wound. 

    Amy took the chance and grabbed her gun sliding feet first into the trenches. Julia landed next to her as a hail of bullets rained down by them. "Run!" Julia shouted to Amy. Amy bolted through the muddy walls zigzagging left and right. Julia plodded right behind her as stray bullet fire zipped around them. "What's the plan?!" Amy panted as she made a sharp right and slid into the wall. "Run faster!" Julia shouted, over taking her. "After that?!" Amy yelled running after her. "Run more!" Julia found a dead end but picked up speed and clambered up quickly. Amy followed suit and, as she hopped up, Julia grasped her hand and pulled her the rest of the way. "Into the fog! Stay close!" Amy nodded, her head reeling from a multitude of things. Both dashed into the fog as the sound of cannon fire rumbled in the distance. "Mortars!?" Amy gasped as one landed close causing her to stumble. "They're trying to kill whoever is left!" Julia shouted sweat dripping heavily from her face. "Wait, get ba-!?" Julia had no time to react as a mortar smacked down right in front of them and sent her flying rendering her unconscious.

04 December 2013


This is a manga created by DemoniacalChild on I can't post it as a set of pictures because it's a interaction gif on the site. Here is the link of the preview. Demon speaks German as the natural language and their English isn't perfect but you can still understand it. It's pretty good.
The first part of the preview makes you laugh and note the smaller demons' personalities. :)

PS~It makes you want to read more!

02 December 2013


Updates for the stories are coming soon. Please stay patient.
Also, we will be featuring a new story the newest member of Cosmic Yuri is writing.

26 November 2013

Thanksgiving Day Chapter 1

Naruto sighed as he and Rin waited in the kitchen for the food to be finished cooking.  Sakura frowned as she looked behind her to see them sitting at the table in the dining room across from the huge kitchen. "You know, why don't you two go and see if Shiva has any snacks for you. She should be back from a mission today."
The two immediately jumped out of their seats and ran out the door to go see if their new friend was back.
Shiva's dark brown eyes gazed down into one of the many grocery bags she carried. 'Let's see...yep! This should be enough to split evenly,' she thought as she silently counted each item. She sighed and smiled as she looked up at the blue sky. A gentle wind blew her raven black hair back from her face. She tucked the long bang that covered the right half of her face behind her ear. "I can't wait to give these to everyone!" she said excitedly before pulling her black pea-coat closer to her body. Her black combat boots created small dust clouds as she walked down the dirt roads of Konoha. She chuckled as she watched Kiba and Akamaru run across the road from an alley. 'What are they up to?'
Akamaru stopped suddenly as the wind blew in his direction. He sniffed the air and looked in her direction. He barked happily and ran over. She smiled and petted his big head. "Welcome back, Shivs!" greeted Kiba as he dismounted. They hugged. "Did your mission go well?"
She nodded. "Very well. I brought more snacks!"
He beamed with excitement. "Yes! More awesome food!"
She laughed. "Where are the others? Did you happen to beat them this time?"
He looked around in surprise. "I guess I did." He grinned. "Does that mean I can have a kiss for a victory prize?"
She blushed lightly as she laughed. "Down, boy! No kisses for anyone. These lips belong to one man only."
"What? Why? You're not even dating anyone."
"That may be so but I'm planning on confronting my crush."
"Who is it?"
"Not telling!" she sang as she started walking toward the Hokage's Tower.
"Aw! Come on! Tell me!" he said as he followed.

25 November 2013


The stories that have white on the words will be edited so that they are easier to read. This change will happen on November 31.

22 November 2013

AG: Prologue: Part 2

Azura held her head proper, ignoring the slander of the crowd. She realized that she was in a hole she couldn't crawl out of. Azura glared at her executioner, the judge. Her fate had already been determined the second her foot had crossed the threshold into the courtroom. She was going to die. Azura realized this. It was a set up. No amount of argument could sway the already biased jury.
"'Tis blatant that judgement has already been passed. Has it not?"
Breaking from her reverie, Azura snapped back to reality as she started to walk down the cobblestone streets. The teen blinked in new realization as she stared at the ropes that bound her wrists. 'Do not give the wolves the satisfaction,' she told herself. She raised her head slowly. Her walk became firmer. Her eyes were set straight ahead with a stern expression. Azura smelled the scent of burning coal. The teen took a breath in quietly.
"My name is Azura Ainsley!" she shouted. "This is a conspiracy planned in cold blood, not execution!" Even if the townspeople didn't believe her, she felt the need to yell the words. Someone would hear her and tell her story. That, she knew.

20 November 2013

AG: Prologue: Part 1

(B/N: The prologue is in two parts due to it being so long.)
America 1690:
The air was thick as crowds of people congregated in a circle around the square. The smell of rain was present as the teen looked up at the sky. She hoped that it would rain. Prayed even. Green eyes scanned over the crowd. The golden-haired girl continued walking as a hand from the congregation shoved her forward.
"Devil child!"
Azura flinched at the infliction from the last voice. She felt a bubble of emotions boil in her chest. 'How foul words are...'  She looked down to her roped hands. Her wrists were red from where she had tried to twist it away. She recognized one of the voices that cried out. It belonged to one of her friends. At least, it used to. Her toes curled into the dirt as she walked, taking in the pebbles' soft patches. Her mind wandered back to earlier in the morning.
Azura sighed and continued to write in her journal. It had been months since the 'strange happenings' had occurred. Members of the town had complained of seeing shadow-like entities lurking around at twilight. Others reported people walking while they slept and vanishing into the woods. The witchling furrowed her eyebrows together.
The tree branches rustled together as the wind abruptly changed and howled. The branches scraped the window. Azura's sister, Emily, looked to the window. "Sister?" Emily asked, seeing the blonde make her way to the window. "'Tis something heavy on the winds..." Azura muttered to herself as she set her quill down. The teen reached for her shawl and pulled it over her head as she fastened the laces of her hood.
"Azura...." Emily coughed and sent her a worried expression. "Be careful."
Azura nodded and gave her sister a short hug before leaving.
Walking in the night, Azura crunched autumn leaves under her feet. The wind was stiff and smelled like sulfur. The moon gave an ominous feeling as she walked through the forest. It was almost as if the trees were trying to warn her. Azura and her sister had been on the trail of these demons for weeks now. Every so often, they'd find the foul creatures and destroying them. But never who was responsible.
To the inhabitants of Harrisville, the two girls worked their own apothecary But behind closed doors, they were more than that. Witches. Yes, some magic users were dark, cursing people that did them wrong or persecuted their family, but rarely did people of Harrisville ever prosecute an actual witch or sorcerer.
Azura pushed past brier patches as she came into a clearing. Her eyes trailed up to an ominous smoke that was billowing to the sky. It gave off a red color against the moonlight. 'Summoning?' the blonde thought to herself. The girl quickened her pace before spotting the source of the magic. Azura pulled her shawl to her and crouched low against a nearby bush.
"My God..." she muttered as she saw a bubbling black mass crawl out from the red mist. Green eyes peered from between the leaves. It made an echoing screech as it stood almost like a human. Azura's eyes widened as she caught a glimpse of the summoner's face. She let out a gasp.
The creature stood up and made a curdling noise as it turned towards the witchling's direction. Embers for eyes narrowed as the black mass walked over. The teen cursed in her mind as her heart pounded in her chest. Should she run? Could she run? Azura's couldn't lead the damned thing into town. The witch swallowed and stood, revealing herself. "Stay away, ye wretched beast!" she yelled as she cast a spell.
Blue-white light burst into a circle on the ground. Lines broke apart and bound the monster against the dirt. Azura's magic constricted against the beast as it extended a shadow-like claw to the girl only to yell as the light tightened against it.
In a quick movement of her wrist, Azura turned to the mysterious man. "Procter Elijah," she spoke cautiously as her hands emitted a blue color.
"Miss Ainsley."
The shrieks of the monster echoed behind the teen. Azura snapped her fingers as the light continued to bind until the monster burst into orbs. "This ends now," Azura spoke. A smile curled on Elijah's lips as he spoke. "Indeed, it shall. Until we meet again," he replied with a slight bow. And, with that, the man vanished.

19 November 2013

Azura's Ghost Summary

What would you do if you watched your soul float out from your chest in mid-air? Jackie had never believed in ghost stories. At least, not until now. He watched as mist morphed and intertwined into a figure. A female figure. Her body was a pale blue that seemed to make the air around him grow cold. Her hair fell in locks around her shoulders as the aura around her flowed smooth like liquid. This. This was the phantom of the Harrisville legend.

18 November 2013


A new story will be posted soon. It is called Azura's Ghost by Pepsi-Panda.

14 November 2013


Cosmic Yuri! The fourth title of the Cosmic Series! Click the link in the link box to check it out!

12 November 2013

The Boy in the Mirror: Chapter Five: Dreaming of a Friend Part 2

The two stopped at the huge wooden gates that blocked the entrance to the city of Stonebuild. A set of two guards walked to the handles. Each one grabbed one and pulled the gates open, allowing the children inside. Sinbad followed the mysterious boy inside. Nearby horses neighed at each other as they waited for their owners. 
Sinbad looked around as he heard the gates creak shut behind them. Towers along the wall were easily seen as well as a tall tower in the center. A huge fire burned at the top. A guard stood watch. Shops lined the streets along with stands. Children ran about playing tag. He heard the banging of metal and looked to his right to see a blacksmith hard at work. 
He snapped his attention back to the boy and quickly ran to his side. He continued to look around as he followed him down the cobblestone paths. Flowers grew in patches scattered around. People chatted. Vendors called out their wares. Signs hung above the doors of shops. A well was in the center of the road about ten yards from the middle tower. A small graveyard sat beside a temple on his right just as they passed the tower. 
A dog ran by as it chased after the children playfully. He smiled as he watched the peaceful city go about its day. 
They reached a large stone building. It sat about twelve yards from the tower. It had large columns that held up a porch roof. It was as half as tall as the center tower. The boy led him inside as the day's light caused the stain glass circle window at the top to shine in beautiful colors. Inside were shelves of books that lined the walls. Tables were spread across the room they were in. A lute sat on the table nearest to them. The boy walked over to it and picked it up. "Ever heard a lute?"
Sinbad shook his head. "Can you play?"
The boy nodded and held it against his body before strumming the strings, creating a beautiful note. Sinbad smiled as he listened to him play a gorgeous song. He felt so peaceful. 'I want to always live here.' 
He did not notice the woman that had entered the room shortly after the boy had begun to play.

05 November 2013

The Boy in the Mirror: Chapter Four: Dreaming of a Friend Part 1

Sinbad was unable to stay awake for long. With Stefan curled up against him, he closed his eyes after laying down and covering up with his faded silk blanket. He was quickly asleep. As soon as he fell asleep, he entered a dream. He was floating in a world of nothing but white. He was on his back, feeling as if he was lost. His eyes were closed. What felt like a hand grasped his own and pulled him up. He opened his eyes and saw a head of messy black hair but no face. Only a smile. He was entranced by this odd person as he was pulled up and into another completely different world. They now stood in a bustling town. People laughed and talked. Horses neighed. Dogs barked at a cat in an alleyway. The cat hissed. 
Vendors called out their wares and food. He could hear the hooves of the horses pulling around carriages clop against the cobblestone streets. The buildings were oddly not of brick but of wood. He looked around more and realized that what the horses pulled wasn't carriages but wooden wagons. The people were dressed in handmade clothes. Most were faded with time. Some of the horses were ridden without a wagon. He looked at the boy in shock and only received that same smile. He wore a different outfit from all the rest. He wore a robe of dark blue. His sleeves covered his hands. His robe parted at the bottom to reveal pants and black boots. A sword was on his right hip. The sheath was made of dark wood with gold intricate patterns all over. The hilt was of the same design. 
He looked around again. Outside of the town was a vast plain of hills, dried grass, and rocks. There was also trees scattered about and brush as far as the eye could see. All around them was a mountain range in the distance. 
He turned to the boy when he laughed. "Do you like it?"
"Yes, it's quite unusual and.....peaceful. Everyone seems so peaceful and happy." He turned his gaze to a little girl being picked up by her mother. Her father grinned proudly as she presented a circlet of flowers. Her mother smiled. "How beautiful!" she exclaimed happily. 
He felt a bit of jealousy. He forced himself to look away and realized the boy had started to walk away. He jogged to his side. "Where are we?"
"You are in the town of Aerin. This is the land of Univa."
"It's a very neat place."
"It is. Your world is amusing for us to look at but it's not that different from our own."
Sinbad pursed his lips in wonderment. All he knew was that humanity loved to fight over territory. Sure the land varied and was very interesting but the people were far and few in terms of real kindness. This was what he'd learn from the many scientific books he'd read. But then again, were they real? Fiction or non-fiction? He didn't know anymore. He wasn't allowed to leave the grounds of his home. He wished dearly to travel all over. His thoughts were broken by the boy's voice. 
"We are going to the city of Stonebuild." He was pointing at a huge set of walls not far ahead of them and from Aerin. It was a bit of a walk but not far. A castle could be seen towering above the walls. 
"Stonebuild?" he echoed, awed by how strong the walls looked. He itched to be inside those walls and see what secrets they held. "Well, let's go!" he said excitedly. 
The faceless boy grinned and took off running. Sinbad grinned and chased after him with a laugh. 

03 November 2013

The Boy in the Mirror : Chapter Three : Grand Entrance

"Where were you when you came out to protect me?" he asked after a bit. Stefan jumped down and crawled under his bed. He dashed out and jumped back up onto his bed. Sinbad immediately knew he'd been under his bed when the attack happened. He smiled and began petting him again. 
"Curse this storm!" sighed Emily as she gazed out the window of her carriage. Her husband beside her laughed. "What's so wrong with a storm? It is one of nature's grand performances!"
She turned her head and looked at the aging man with tired ocean blue eyes. "Sixty and still full of life."
"You're still  full of life as well, my love!" he said with a grin.
"I fear not as much as you. I'm happy to have retired from the flower shop early. My body can't handle the lifting of crates like I used to."
"You two are so senile at times."
The two looked at their youngest daughter. She was only seventeen and so rude to them only because she wasn't getting the inheritance before her brother. They'd taught her better yet she threw all of that out the window. Her golden hair flowed down in soft waves to her waist. Her bangs covered her forehead. She had her mother's ocean blue eyes but lacked the caring touch in them. Her lovely face was usually full of anger toward anyone who mocked her for lacking a higher place in birth. Her red bonnett sat atop her head, wet from the heavy rain in London. She wore a red French dress with a lovely red lace upon her neck and shoulders. "This isn't the right outfit for this weather but Lady Karen wouldn't agree with my white winter dress I'd just received from Lord Barren!" she huffed angrily, catching her mother's disapproving gaze at her outfit.
Emily sighed. "You have a point. I'm more worried about what we are going to do with her bastard son."
"She should get rid of him. Save everyone the trouble of hiding him from the rest of the family," said her husband.
"I agree, Erich."
Their daughter, lacking in the definitions of words, rolled her eyes. "What's so wrong with him being an illegitimate son?"
Emily and Erich glanced at each other. "I'd forgotten you were sick the day your tutor was supposed to teach you that the day Sinbad was born," said Emily.
"He is the result of Karen cheating on Jack."
"What!" she exclaimed. "So, he's in the way of my getting the money as well?!"
"No, he isn't. In fact, Karen has been removed from the list as well thanks to Jack."
"Yes!" she said with a dark grin. "Now, I can finally torture her!"
"I don't understand why my own daughter hates Karen."
"I didn't like her from the beginning and I was right about her not being right for Big Brother!"
"This is going to be a long trip," Erich muttered to himself as she went on and on about all of the bad things about Karen.
Erich burst through the door when they finally arrived, singing an old song his father made years ago. He danced around as he sang, happy to be visiting his children. Karen happened to be passing the door and was swept off her feet by the old man when he entered. She laughed as he swung her around in a dance. Despite her bad decision, Erich was still fond of her. He knew she'd been drunk and knew what stupid mistakes came of being drunk. He was the only one who understood. He still wasn't happy about Sinbad, though.
Emily frowned as she and her daughter entered. The two women were greeted by the butler. "It is nice to see you both again," he said as he bowed before taking their coats.
The daughter smiled at him, her cheeks a light pink as she fanned herself with her cherry blossom fan. He smiled at her and gave her a sly wink when her mother wasn't looking.
He slipped a small folded piece of paper into her hand as she passed him.  "There is tea and food waiting for you in the library. Your book has been set by your chair for you to continue reading, Miss Lily."
Emily smiled. "Truly a remarkable butler. As expected of a Bennett butler. Well, go on, Lily. Go finish that book you've been talking about since returning to London."
She happily ran off. The butler followed her to attend to her, noticing she was soaking wet from the heavy rain. "She should go to her room before going to the library," he and Emily laughed in unison.
Emily headed to the kitchen to get some of her favorite apple pie she knew was waiting for her.
Erich set Karen down. "How have you been?"
"I've been healthy but I am still fighting with my husband."
"I'm sure once Sinbad is gone, things will settle down."
"Lizzy will be taking him to an orphanage this Sunday."
"Let me take you to the new music room."
"I'd heard it was finished. I'm eager to see it!" He followed her with a big smile.
As soon as the large room was empty, a wind blew the double redwood doors open. Leaves swirled around in a vortex as the wind blew in. A spirit faded into view in the center of the vortex of leaves. He stopped in the center of the room. The wind died down and a former butler closed the doors. The butler watched as the surprise guest looked around.
The crystal chandlier above him reflected off of the smooth white granite floor. A dark green fern sat in each corner of the room. The tables the plants sat on were of the same design as the one Sinbad encountered on the third story.
Four columns created a square with their placement about ten feet from each corner. They were of white granite as well. A set of double French doors sat on his left, in front, and on his right. All of them were closed. A painting of the previous son of Jack and Karen sat on the wall on the right of the doors in front of him. "Oh, poor Rivaille. You did not deserve such an early death. I am afraid that you must calm down and understand the situation before your soul is taken over by the demons who wish to take advantage of the situation young Sinbad has found himself in."
"My lord, Sinbad is in his room," said the butler.
He smiled and walked through the doors before him. "It is time to end this pointless fight before Erich dies."

02 November 2013

The Boy in the Mirror: Chapter Two: The Daily Terror

The young boy, Sinbad Anadi, looked out the window when thunder rolled outside. He was standing in his room now. He'd run straight to his room after coming up empty handed on a new hiding spot. Rain pelted his window as lightning flashed. He jumped a bit from the loud crash of thunder that shook the windows. 
He glanced unsurely at his locked bedroom door. He didn't know if he should go to his mother or run to a servant or stay inside his room. He sighed and climbed onto his bed, deciding to stay in his room. He hugged the stuffed bear he'd gotten for his sixth birthday two years ago. It had a sweater with the British flag as the design. He buried his face in its head as he began crying again. He wished he could go outside and make friends. His family wouldn't let him. 
As for who gave him the bear, he didn't know. It just appeared on his bed during the night and he woke up to find it beside him on the morning of his birthday. He'd been so happy to finally have a toy and he'd treasured it since. He'd asked around but no one knew who gave it to him. He'd named the bear Britain after the country because he loved reading about England. 
He hugged Britain tighter as he reflected on his life. He was schooled by the servants. He was always playing with the cat that they had. His name was Stefan after his German grandfather. He often hid away from everyone when they fought over the inheritance and him. He was locked away when the children were brought over. Except for when they were sleeping. He was then allowed around. 
He wasn't allowed to eat with the family. He ate with the servants. 
He loved to go outside and visit the horses and talk with the stable hands. There was also the Great Dane that they had by the name of Arthur. He was always playing with little Sinbad when he went outside. He used to ride the dog when he was three. 
Now that he thought about it, his life wasn't all bad. It was still lonely though because even the servants kept a distance from him. What was the word they called him? Illegitimate? He couldn't remember if it was correct. 
He whimpered when the lights flickered. It was time for the daily attack of the spirits. His books started flying around. His drawings were ripped apart by invisible hands. He heard the thunk of his beloved handmade toy sword hit the wall. He even heard it snap. 
He felt a tug on his bear but he gripped it tighter as he lifted his face and cried out for them to stop. He could see each of them glaring at him. They stopped to look at him, surprised that he'd finally made an attempt to fight back. 
The one before him went back to trying to snatch the bear from his tiny arms. He held it tightly. This one was the first born son of his uncle. He was a teenager and mad that Sinbad came into existence and caused his favorite aunt to be hated. He'd died in a carriage accident two years ago on Christmas Day. 
Sinbad sobbed as he held his bear like it was his life. "No! You can't take him! He's my only friend!"
This caused the spirits to stop again. A flying piece of wood from the now broke sword struck his cheek as it went to the wall behind him. Blood trickled down his cheek and mixed with the tears. "I didn't do anything wrong!" 
Stefan suddenly jumped onto the bed and hissed at his half-brother. His half-brother backed away. This cat seemed to scare the dead and Sinbad was thankful for it. The spirits fled the room when Stefan started chasing them. When they were gone, he jumped onto the bed and climbed into Sinbad's lap. With a smile, he pet the black feline. He still held his bear. "Thank you, Stefan."

The Boy in the Mirror: Chapter One: An Every Day Thing

Chapter One: An Every Day Thing

A young boy walked slowly through an empty corridor of a large manor. The dying light of the sun entered the corridor through the large windows that went along the wall on his left. It made it seem as if fire had filled the building. It caused his orange hair to glow like fire. His hair framed his face and went to just above his shoulders. His dark rusty orange eyes were full of loneliness and sadness.  
He passed the many large paintings of some of the previous heads of his family. His footsteps echoed around him as he walked. He stopped at the end when he heard something other than his footsteps. He teared up as he recognized the familiar voices in the library at the other end of the corridor. His mother and father were fighting again.  
He took off running as his tears fell. His black shoes clacked against the smooth large diamond patterned brown granite floor as he ran toward a set of spiral stairs after turning right around a corner and into another corridor.  
The staircase was a beautiful dark redwood. A fern sat in a red clay pot upon a dark redwood side table with a Greek woman carved out in the center of the base. A maid watched from her place by the plant as he ran up the stairs. 'There he goes again. He will most likely not come down for some time,' she thought with a sad expression.  
The boy was now in the music room. The room was large and completely white. The sun added a splash of color along with the instruments that were placed around the room. Colomns were in each corner. He ran over to a set of double glass French doors. He opened them and entered his father's drawing room. He stopped when he saw the butler. The butler gave a sad expression and scooped him up. "Well, Young Master, are they fighting again?" 
He nodded as he sobbed. The butler held him as the young child cried. "Why are you not in the Music Room this time?" 
"I do not like people finding me all the time."  
" about you find a new place to hide?" 
He nodded and the butler set him down, knowing the boy needed a place to escape the every day fighting and anger. He watched as the boy ran out. "I only wish that he had been born to the Master. He would not suffer had he been."
"How can you exclude me?! I am your wife!" shouted the child's mother.
"You can hardly be called a wife! You cheated on me with a damn thief! At the pub no less! How can you  so easily do such a horrible and unforgivable act?!" shouted her husband.
"He was a much better lover than you! He knew how to treat me right! He was sweet to me! Unlike you!" 
He gave a look of pure disgust at the accusation. "I was sweet to you!" 
"When we met! When our parents put us together! As soon as we married, you changed! I could not stand seeing my husband turn into such a despicable monster!"
"So, you thought it would be okay for you to cheat on me?!"
"I was drunk!" she shouted, tears coming to her blue eyes. "I was upset that you excluded me from the inheritance when you talked to Father!" 
He knew she was speaking of his own father. "You have no right to call him your own! And that bastard child needs to leave!"
"I know he does! He cannot do a thing right! I will send him to an orphanage this Sunday if you let me have my rightful place on the inheritance list!" 
He growled as his sister entered with her own baby. The boy she held slept in her arms. "You two should lower your voices. We have children who are trying to sleep!" she hissed. 
Her brother glared at her. "I don't give a damn about the brats right now!"
She huffed. "How dare you insult my children and our brother's! You are truly a monster as she often accuses you of being!" 
His wife glanced at her thankfully. The two were close. She watched as her husband stormed out, ending the conversation immediately. The sister walked over to her, glad her child was still asleep. "What will you do, Karen?"
Karen sighed. "My husband is truly a monster. I miss the man I fell in love with. I suppose I shall take Sinbad to the orphanage even if I am not put back on the list. Brat is always stumbling about and breaking things."
The sister sighed. "I will take him. Jack has a meeting to attend to in Germany. You are to be by his side by right of marriage." 
Karen nodded. "Thank you, Elizabeth." 
A pair of green eyes watched from the corner. "They are always fighting thanks to her. What was once a happy romance is now a bitter hatred. She should have known her tendency to drink would get her in trouble. Sinbad is just another consequence she has to pay. She is doing the family a favor by getting rid of him." The eyes belonged to an old woman long past. She was the wife of the fourth head. She often walked the corridors of the manor, watching, listening. She would make sure everyone was doing a right decision. Well, right in her eyes and in the eyes of the nobles.

15 October 2013


The story that was posted will be undergoing some major transformation, surgery, editing, yada yada. Anyway, yes, it's going to be edited tomorrow. It may take a while to be reposted but you're used to waiting. I may sound rude but I'm extremely tired from lack of sleep. Thank you, Christina M., for giving tips on how to revise it now that my schedule is free for a few days. She's one of my best friends and I'm happy she read it. :) I hope to re-post the chapter by Friday.

17 July 2013

Cheap Love Summary

Cheap Love is about two men working for a mercenary company. These two men, Chase and Jack, have been at war with each other since meeting two years ago when Jack joined the company on a whim.
But when Artie has Chase make a bet to get information on Jack's hidden past, things go haywire and the two fall in love. But when Jack finds out the reason why Chase was hanging out with him and being so nice, he feels betrayed and hurt. He leaves the company and Chase. Chase regrets everything. Will he ever get a chance to apologize and make up for what he's done? Or will Jack never be seen again?

Hey, Shiva here. I am really sorry about the messy Chapter 1. Since it was copy and pasted, due to little time being able to be spent on the chapter, it came out small in some parts. I am extremely sorry about that and want to tell you that we will try to make sure it doesn't happen again and that we will be typing the next chapter. Hopefully it comes out way better. Please, still, enjoy the chapter. I have nothing on my schedule tomorrow so I will be typing the first part of Chapter 2. :) I will also be typing Chapter 1 to another story that is going to running at the same time. I hope you look forward to better results from us!

Cheap Love Chapter 1

 Okay, before I begin, I want to explain some things about the way we write our stories since they are actually roleplays. 1. when words are between single quotation marks, it means they are thinking what is being said. example: 'What does he mean by that?' 
2. You can tell when a different author is writing when they play their character. lol bit cloudy on's to explain....well, how about this: i'll type who the characters are and who made them. 
3. Our stories are going to be messed up at times. Especially our human x demon hound theme. So, yeah, be prepared for that when it comes. 
If we need to we will post more information in a separate post. Thank you for checking us out and we hope you enjoy this chapter.)))))
Jack 'Frost' Washington: Shiva Strife
Chase 'Gear' Bennett: Vex Ido
Daniel: Shiva Strife (no official design yet)
Artie: Vex Ido (no official design yet)
John: Shiva Strife (no official design yet)

Poke. Poke. Poke. Poke. Poke. 'He's still ignoring me. A first.' Poke. Poke. Poke. He huffed and gave up on poking his roommate in the shoulder. He spotted the fat black wallet sitting on his dresser beside Gear's bed. 'At least his back is to it,' he thought mischievously. He quietly walked over to it and picked it up. He stuck the wallet into his pocket, deciding that Gear was too caught up in his bills to care about him right now. He walked out the door and ran down the hallway. 'New boots, here I come!' he thought excitedly.
 Gear stopped working on the bills and heaved a big sigh of relief. 'Oh, thank God, I thought he'd never leave.' He looked back to see if the little trap he left for the boob was still there. He laughed. "Wow, he did fall for it! I can't wait to see the look on his face when he realizes it stuffed full of paper!" 
Jack stopped when Artie stepped in front of him at the door to their home. "I don't think so, Frost," he growled, his English and Russian accent thick. It always amazed Jack that this man had grown up with an English mother and a Russian father in Germany of all places. 'How does he not have a triple accent?!' he thought as Artie took the wallet from his left pocket and shooed him away. 
Jack huffed in defeat and sulked his way back to the room. He normally didn't leave the bedroom unless he was going out, which was often. He was a partier, a bad boy, a flirt. He was the one everyone came to for a good time. Except the morons he lived with of course. They didn't know what he did outside the house and work. All they knew was that he needed a ton of money for quite a few things he did in his secret life. 
He kicked the door open, hoping to piss of Gear for some more fun. 

Gear growled at him. "Oi, fuckface! I payed good money for that door!" he snarled. By good money means he spent the least amount of cash on it.
Jack stuck his tongue out at him and smirked. "Take me shopping!" he demanded cockily. He had business in town today.
"HA! No, you go shopping almost every day. Oh, no, don't tell me you spent all your money again! That's too bad," he said sarcastically as he turned away from him. "Why don't you go beg someone else for a
change? Cuz I damn well don't care what you want. I don't even care
that boss man wants the heater on cuz it's cold. If you ain't in
control of the money, then you don't get the heater. It already cost enough as it is."
Jack frowned and walked over to him. He grabbed him by the top of his hair and yanked down, forcing him to look up into his angry visible eye. "You're a fucking cheap bastard who only cares about his fucking money and nothing else! Now take me fucking shopping before I go and turn on the damn heater you seem to have a death wish for!"
Gear ignored the pain."You're the only one who has a death wish twerp. Me and the big man go way back. He knows I'll kick his ass if he touches it and I'll just as gladly kill yours," he growled, sending that terrifying death glare towards him. Everyone hated it and few dared to stare back. He knew Jack dared but he would always win in the end.
He smirked. "Well, then. Don't blame for what happens next." His voice was light and mischievous. His eye showed playfulness. He trailed a finger up his throat, his grip on his hair loosening as he now held his head in his arms. "I thought I taught you to never disobey me when it comes to a time like this," he said in a low, commanding voice that captured Gear. His hand slid down Gear's body as he leaned over, his lips close to Gear's. He slid his hand into his pocket and pulled out the wad of cash in it. "Move and I'll crush your balls," he warned when he felt him tense. He knew Gear hated him being on him like this. 
With a victorious smirk, he danced away before Gear could hit him. "Buh-bye!" He ran out of the room.
"FUCKING CUNT! YOU BETTER COME BACK HERE WITH MY MONEY!" he snapped as he chased after him, with the intent to murder his ass for this.
Jack laughed as he fled his roommate. "Never!" He dashed out the door and down the sidewalk, skipping the motorcycle. People greeted him as he passed. "Whooooohoooooohooohoohoohoohoohoo!!!!!" He led his cheap roommate to the mall. He ran inside, losing him in the crowd with ease.
It wasn't long before he found him and plowed him to the ground in a mighty tackle before he could hand the money to the store clerk. He was panting as he snatched all his cash back. "Fucking.....bastard..... this is my money....." he breathed. 'Man, I'm getting too old for this crap.'
Jack got up as the clerk stared at them in bewilderment. "Jack, exactly who is this old man?" he asked in disgust. His brown hair covered the right part of his face and his face was full of disgust toward Gear. 
Jack kicked Gear in the back of the knee before walking over to the clerk. "Ignore him, John. He's a nobody that I'm stuck living with every day I work at that damn company."
"Quit your job. You'd do so much better as a host."
A light into his secret life had been turned on. A perfect opportunity to learn everything about the mysterious twenty-year-old that suddenly showed up on the doorstep of the company. 
An idea formed in Gear's head. A bet. A follower. 
"Nah. I quit that because of all the fuckers trying to hook up with me. I got bored of it cuz no one wanted to stay long enough to actually do something."
"You were a host. You're supposed to make it a dream, not go out with the customers."
"I know but it's better than flirting all the time with no reward."
"Meh. I prefer my job on the side. Better than working here at this stupid shoe store. The only benefit is getting to see you!" He hugged his longtime friend. "Lucky bastard is always drifting with your charms."
Jack caught Gear staring at him, studying him. He smirked. "John, what do you say we go out and have some fun tonight?" 
John's eyes lit. "Really?! Does it-"
"Yes, it does."
"Yay!" He jumped in victory.
Gear turned his back to the two. "You two make me sick. Oh, and Jakie-poo," he said before turning around and punching him in the gut before walking off. "That's for taking my money! Hopefully this time you learn," he said before leaving. "You better beg boss man pretty hard to let you back in!" he yelled before turning a corner out of the store.
Jack hissed in his breathlessness. John held him till he caught his breath. "That guy is really abusive to you. Why don't you move in with me?"
"Can't. I'll lose my job if I move somewhere else."
"From what it sounds like, that's already about to happen."
"Whatever. Artie can't afford to lose me. I'm his best source of income."
"What do you mean?"
"I'm part of his advertisement system. He uses my sexy looks to get the customers rolling in." 
"Nice!" he laughed. "Anyway, let's go get your new boots."

 (EDIT: (copy and pasted from email since computer is acting up today) Jack's Description: he's wearing a long sleeve shirt that's has stripes that are very light purple gray and green. the collar is very wide and stops just before going past halfway on his shoulders. the cuffs of the sleeves form a triangle over the top of his hands. he is wearing dark blue jeans with a double crossing belt that's black and has gold pointy squares for the pattern. his hair is down to the bottom of his shoulder blades and some of it hangs to his collar bone. He's got a bang to curves and covers the left side of his face. his hair is red and fades into black halfway. he has blue green eyes. a lip piercing with the chain going to his pierced ear. his right ear) 
(Gear's Description: He has jet black hair with faint silver ends. He has orange gold eyes. He has snake bite piercings on his bottom lip and a tattoo of a gear on his right shoulder. he is wearing a black shirt with a slight 'v' on the collar that has strings tied through it in an 'x' shape. he is wearing light black baggy pants and a single black and checkered belt that goes down at an angle. '/' like that but not as extreme.)
(A/N: Multiple people were working on this at different times of the week so it's messy. Sorry! We promise it shall get cleaner as we get a routine going for this blog!)

15 July 2013


About the early post.......the sample has been deleted. It happened when google+ marked my page as spam. don't know why it happened but it did. it's fixed now.
Anyway, the story is being put together. The first chapter is going through some changes as of right now so it might be a while before it's posted.

Cosmic Stories

Hey, everyone! Shiva here! This blog is still under construction so I'm sorry for the lack of posts. This is the second addition to the Cosmic Series. Please check out our other blog at
Thank you for visiting!
P.S. :) Instead of the original yaoi that we were going to post, we decided on a different story. The sample of the Original Beginning (is what I call the story that was supposed to be on here first.) is on our Cosmic Yaoi page on Google+. :) More information on this blog is coming soon!