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17 July 2013

Cheap Love Summary

Cheap Love is about two men working for a mercenary company. These two men, Chase and Jack, have been at war with each other since meeting two years ago when Jack joined the company on a whim.
But when Artie has Chase make a bet to get information on Jack's hidden past, things go haywire and the two fall in love. But when Jack finds out the reason why Chase was hanging out with him and being so nice, he feels betrayed and hurt. He leaves the company and Chase. Chase regrets everything. Will he ever get a chance to apologize and make up for what he's done? Or will Jack never be seen again?

Hey, Shiva here. I am really sorry about the messy Chapter 1. Since it was copy and pasted, due to little time being able to be spent on the chapter, it came out small in some parts. I am extremely sorry about that and want to tell you that we will try to make sure it doesn't happen again and that we will be typing the next chapter. Hopefully it comes out way better. Please, still, enjoy the chapter. I have nothing on my schedule tomorrow so I will be typing the first part of Chapter 2. :) I will also be typing Chapter 1 to another story that is going to running at the same time. I hope you look forward to better results from us!

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