He looked at her with an annoyed face. "Why do you insist on following me?"
His words went over her head or so it seemed. "We're friends, silly!"
His friends and her friends joined them. They left to head to the strip mall.
The brunette hummed happily as she and Jacob stood next to each other while waiting for their turn at the register. They were inside Barnes & Noble buying some new manga.
Jacob glanced at her, wishing she'd be quiet and go away. 'Why does she insist on being with me?' He decided to ask. "Why are you always following me?"
"We're friends!" The same answer as always.
"You're not telling the truth."
"I'm serious!"
"No, you're not."
"Yes, I am!"
"We're not friends."
She frowned. "Fine. I love you."
He blinked in surprise. "What? Seriously?"
She blushed and nodded.
He felt repulsed by it. "Uh..no, thank you."
"Why not?"
"Because you're weird."
"How am I weird?"
"You always bite your nails, you're fat, you don't wear make-up, you eat like a pig. The list goes on."
She looked ready to cry. She slapped him and left. People watching smirked and laughed at him.
"Asshole. You deserved that."
The brunette stared at herself in the mirror in her bedroom that night. She'd just finished crying. She hated him now. 'I can't believe he said that to me,' she thought as she ripped up a picture of them and their friends. She sighed and decided to ask everyone for the truth tomorrow. She got ready for bed and turned off her lights. 'I'm not fat. I'm chubby,' she thought before she fell asleep.
Jacob was with the others in the cafeteria when she arrived the next morning. She walked over to them and everyone laughed at her. "You love Jacob? Oh, my god! I can't believe you thought you had a chance!" said her supposed best friend.
She frowned and hung her head as they made fun of her. She soon broke down and ran out. She headed home and fell onto her bed. She jumped when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She looked up and saw a boy from school. He opened his arms and she hugged him tightly, knowing he wanted to comfort her. He let her cry on his shoulder while telling her that they didn't know how amazing she really was.
The next day, the two headed to school hand in hand. People stared in shock at them as they sat together at an empty table. The two had hooked up overnight.
Their high school years passed quickly. They graduated together happily and were soon married. They headed to college together and made a life together.
As for Jacob, he ended up with a wife that cheated on him and divorced him, taking most of his money. That wife was her supposed best friend from ninth grade. Jacob grew jealous of the brunette's life when he saw her and her family on TV. She and her family were famous due to her singing abilities and her husband's drawing abilities.
If you ever look down on someone you think is weird, you very well might be shocked to see them become something you thought they could never be later in life. Someone will always love someone else despite their ways. :)
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