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17 July 2013

Cheap Love Chapter 1

 Okay, before I begin, I want to explain some things about the way we write our stories since they are actually roleplays. 1. when words are between single quotation marks, it means they are thinking what is being said. example: 'What does he mean by that?' 
2. You can tell when a different author is writing when they play their character. lol bit cloudy on's to explain....well, how about this: i'll type who the characters are and who made them. 
3. Our stories are going to be messed up at times. Especially our human x demon hound theme. So, yeah, be prepared for that when it comes. 
If we need to we will post more information in a separate post. Thank you for checking us out and we hope you enjoy this chapter.)))))
Jack 'Frost' Washington: Shiva Strife
Chase 'Gear' Bennett: Vex Ido
Daniel: Shiva Strife (no official design yet)
Artie: Vex Ido (no official design yet)
John: Shiva Strife (no official design yet)

Poke. Poke. Poke. Poke. Poke. 'He's still ignoring me. A first.' Poke. Poke. Poke. He huffed and gave up on poking his roommate in the shoulder. He spotted the fat black wallet sitting on his dresser beside Gear's bed. 'At least his back is to it,' he thought mischievously. He quietly walked over to it and picked it up. He stuck the wallet into his pocket, deciding that Gear was too caught up in his bills to care about him right now. He walked out the door and ran down the hallway. 'New boots, here I come!' he thought excitedly.
 Gear stopped working on the bills and heaved a big sigh of relief. 'Oh, thank God, I thought he'd never leave.' He looked back to see if the little trap he left for the boob was still there. He laughed. "Wow, he did fall for it! I can't wait to see the look on his face when he realizes it stuffed full of paper!" 
Jack stopped when Artie stepped in front of him at the door to their home. "I don't think so, Frost," he growled, his English and Russian accent thick. It always amazed Jack that this man had grown up with an English mother and a Russian father in Germany of all places. 'How does he not have a triple accent?!' he thought as Artie took the wallet from his left pocket and shooed him away. 
Jack huffed in defeat and sulked his way back to the room. He normally didn't leave the bedroom unless he was going out, which was often. He was a partier, a bad boy, a flirt. He was the one everyone came to for a good time. Except the morons he lived with of course. They didn't know what he did outside the house and work. All they knew was that he needed a ton of money for quite a few things he did in his secret life. 
He kicked the door open, hoping to piss of Gear for some more fun. 

Gear growled at him. "Oi, fuckface! I payed good money for that door!" he snarled. By good money means he spent the least amount of cash on it.
Jack stuck his tongue out at him and smirked. "Take me shopping!" he demanded cockily. He had business in town today.
"HA! No, you go shopping almost every day. Oh, no, don't tell me you spent all your money again! That's too bad," he said sarcastically as he turned away from him. "Why don't you go beg someone else for a
change? Cuz I damn well don't care what you want. I don't even care
that boss man wants the heater on cuz it's cold. If you ain't in
control of the money, then you don't get the heater. It already cost enough as it is."
Jack frowned and walked over to him. He grabbed him by the top of his hair and yanked down, forcing him to look up into his angry visible eye. "You're a fucking cheap bastard who only cares about his fucking money and nothing else! Now take me fucking shopping before I go and turn on the damn heater you seem to have a death wish for!"
Gear ignored the pain."You're the only one who has a death wish twerp. Me and the big man go way back. He knows I'll kick his ass if he touches it and I'll just as gladly kill yours," he growled, sending that terrifying death glare towards him. Everyone hated it and few dared to stare back. He knew Jack dared but he would always win in the end.
He smirked. "Well, then. Don't blame for what happens next." His voice was light and mischievous. His eye showed playfulness. He trailed a finger up his throat, his grip on his hair loosening as he now held his head in his arms. "I thought I taught you to never disobey me when it comes to a time like this," he said in a low, commanding voice that captured Gear. His hand slid down Gear's body as he leaned over, his lips close to Gear's. He slid his hand into his pocket and pulled out the wad of cash in it. "Move and I'll crush your balls," he warned when he felt him tense. He knew Gear hated him being on him like this. 
With a victorious smirk, he danced away before Gear could hit him. "Buh-bye!" He ran out of the room.
"FUCKING CUNT! YOU BETTER COME BACK HERE WITH MY MONEY!" he snapped as he chased after him, with the intent to murder his ass for this.
Jack laughed as he fled his roommate. "Never!" He dashed out the door and down the sidewalk, skipping the motorcycle. People greeted him as he passed. "Whooooohoooooohooohoohoohoohoohoo!!!!!" He led his cheap roommate to the mall. He ran inside, losing him in the crowd with ease.
It wasn't long before he found him and plowed him to the ground in a mighty tackle before he could hand the money to the store clerk. He was panting as he snatched all his cash back. "Fucking.....bastard..... this is my money....." he breathed. 'Man, I'm getting too old for this crap.'
Jack got up as the clerk stared at them in bewilderment. "Jack, exactly who is this old man?" he asked in disgust. His brown hair covered the right part of his face and his face was full of disgust toward Gear. 
Jack kicked Gear in the back of the knee before walking over to the clerk. "Ignore him, John. He's a nobody that I'm stuck living with every day I work at that damn company."
"Quit your job. You'd do so much better as a host."
A light into his secret life had been turned on. A perfect opportunity to learn everything about the mysterious twenty-year-old that suddenly showed up on the doorstep of the company. 
An idea formed in Gear's head. A bet. A follower. 
"Nah. I quit that because of all the fuckers trying to hook up with me. I got bored of it cuz no one wanted to stay long enough to actually do something."
"You were a host. You're supposed to make it a dream, not go out with the customers."
"I know but it's better than flirting all the time with no reward."
"Meh. I prefer my job on the side. Better than working here at this stupid shoe store. The only benefit is getting to see you!" He hugged his longtime friend. "Lucky bastard is always drifting with your charms."
Jack caught Gear staring at him, studying him. He smirked. "John, what do you say we go out and have some fun tonight?" 
John's eyes lit. "Really?! Does it-"
"Yes, it does."
"Yay!" He jumped in victory.
Gear turned his back to the two. "You two make me sick. Oh, and Jakie-poo," he said before turning around and punching him in the gut before walking off. "That's for taking my money! Hopefully this time you learn," he said before leaving. "You better beg boss man pretty hard to let you back in!" he yelled before turning a corner out of the store.
Jack hissed in his breathlessness. John held him till he caught his breath. "That guy is really abusive to you. Why don't you move in with me?"
"Can't. I'll lose my job if I move somewhere else."
"From what it sounds like, that's already about to happen."
"Whatever. Artie can't afford to lose me. I'm his best source of income."
"What do you mean?"
"I'm part of his advertisement system. He uses my sexy looks to get the customers rolling in." 
"Nice!" he laughed. "Anyway, let's go get your new boots."

 (EDIT: (copy and pasted from email since computer is acting up today) Jack's Description: he's wearing a long sleeve shirt that's has stripes that are very light purple gray and green. the collar is very wide and stops just before going past halfway on his shoulders. the cuffs of the sleeves form a triangle over the top of his hands. he is wearing dark blue jeans with a double crossing belt that's black and has gold pointy squares for the pattern. his hair is down to the bottom of his shoulder blades and some of it hangs to his collar bone. He's got a bang to curves and covers the left side of his face. his hair is red and fades into black halfway. he has blue green eyes. a lip piercing with the chain going to his pierced ear. his right ear) 
(Gear's Description: He has jet black hair with faint silver ends. He has orange gold eyes. He has snake bite piercings on his bottom lip and a tattoo of a gear on his right shoulder. he is wearing a black shirt with a slight 'v' on the collar that has strings tied through it in an 'x' shape. he is wearing light black baggy pants and a single black and checkered belt that goes down at an angle. '/' like that but not as extreme.)
(A/N: Multiple people were working on this at different times of the week so it's messy. Sorry! We promise it shall get cleaner as we get a routine going for this blog!)

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