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12 November 2013

The Boy in the Mirror: Chapter Five: Dreaming of a Friend Part 2

The two stopped at the huge wooden gates that blocked the entrance to the city of Stonebuild. A set of two guards walked to the handles. Each one grabbed one and pulled the gates open, allowing the children inside. Sinbad followed the mysterious boy inside. Nearby horses neighed at each other as they waited for their owners. 
Sinbad looked around as he heard the gates creak shut behind them. Towers along the wall were easily seen as well as a tall tower in the center. A huge fire burned at the top. A guard stood watch. Shops lined the streets along with stands. Children ran about playing tag. He heard the banging of metal and looked to his right to see a blacksmith hard at work. 
He snapped his attention back to the boy and quickly ran to his side. He continued to look around as he followed him down the cobblestone paths. Flowers grew in patches scattered around. People chatted. Vendors called out their wares. Signs hung above the doors of shops. A well was in the center of the road about ten yards from the middle tower. A small graveyard sat beside a temple on his right just as they passed the tower. 
A dog ran by as it chased after the children playfully. He smiled as he watched the peaceful city go about its day. 
They reached a large stone building. It sat about twelve yards from the tower. It had large columns that held up a porch roof. It was as half as tall as the center tower. The boy led him inside as the day's light caused the stain glass circle window at the top to shine in beautiful colors. Inside were shelves of books that lined the walls. Tables were spread across the room they were in. A lute sat on the table nearest to them. The boy walked over to it and picked it up. "Ever heard a lute?"
Sinbad shook his head. "Can you play?"
The boy nodded and held it against his body before strumming the strings, creating a beautiful note. Sinbad smiled as he listened to him play a gorgeous song. He felt so peaceful. 'I want to always live here.' 
He did not notice the woman that had entered the room shortly after the boy had begun to play.

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