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20 November 2013

AG: Prologue: Part 1

(B/N: The prologue is in two parts due to it being so long.)
America 1690:
The air was thick as crowds of people congregated in a circle around the square. The smell of rain was present as the teen looked up at the sky. She hoped that it would rain. Prayed even. Green eyes scanned over the crowd. The golden-haired girl continued walking as a hand from the congregation shoved her forward.
"Devil child!"
Azura flinched at the infliction from the last voice. She felt a bubble of emotions boil in her chest. 'How foul words are...'  She looked down to her roped hands. Her wrists were red from where she had tried to twist it away. She recognized one of the voices that cried out. It belonged to one of her friends. At least, it used to. Her toes curled into the dirt as she walked, taking in the pebbles' soft patches. Her mind wandered back to earlier in the morning.
Azura sighed and continued to write in her journal. It had been months since the 'strange happenings' had occurred. Members of the town had complained of seeing shadow-like entities lurking around at twilight. Others reported people walking while they slept and vanishing into the woods. The witchling furrowed her eyebrows together.
The tree branches rustled together as the wind abruptly changed and howled. The branches scraped the window. Azura's sister, Emily, looked to the window. "Sister?" Emily asked, seeing the blonde make her way to the window. "'Tis something heavy on the winds..." Azura muttered to herself as she set her quill down. The teen reached for her shawl and pulled it over her head as she fastened the laces of her hood.
"Azura...." Emily coughed and sent her a worried expression. "Be careful."
Azura nodded and gave her sister a short hug before leaving.
Walking in the night, Azura crunched autumn leaves under her feet. The wind was stiff and smelled like sulfur. The moon gave an ominous feeling as she walked through the forest. It was almost as if the trees were trying to warn her. Azura and her sister had been on the trail of these demons for weeks now. Every so often, they'd find the foul creatures and destroying them. But never who was responsible.
To the inhabitants of Harrisville, the two girls worked their own apothecary But behind closed doors, they were more than that. Witches. Yes, some magic users were dark, cursing people that did them wrong or persecuted their family, but rarely did people of Harrisville ever prosecute an actual witch or sorcerer.
Azura pushed past brier patches as she came into a clearing. Her eyes trailed up to an ominous smoke that was billowing to the sky. It gave off a red color against the moonlight. 'Summoning?' the blonde thought to herself. The girl quickened her pace before spotting the source of the magic. Azura pulled her shawl to her and crouched low against a nearby bush.
"My God..." she muttered as she saw a bubbling black mass crawl out from the red mist. Green eyes peered from between the leaves. It made an echoing screech as it stood almost like a human. Azura's eyes widened as she caught a glimpse of the summoner's face. She let out a gasp.
The creature stood up and made a curdling noise as it turned towards the witchling's direction. Embers for eyes narrowed as the black mass walked over. The teen cursed in her mind as her heart pounded in her chest. Should she run? Could she run? Azura's couldn't lead the damned thing into town. The witch swallowed and stood, revealing herself. "Stay away, ye wretched beast!" she yelled as she cast a spell.
Blue-white light burst into a circle on the ground. Lines broke apart and bound the monster against the dirt. Azura's magic constricted against the beast as it extended a shadow-like claw to the girl only to yell as the light tightened against it.
In a quick movement of her wrist, Azura turned to the mysterious man. "Procter Elijah," she spoke cautiously as her hands emitted a blue color.
"Miss Ainsley."
The shrieks of the monster echoed behind the teen. Azura snapped her fingers as the light continued to bind until the monster burst into orbs. "This ends now," Azura spoke. A smile curled on Elijah's lips as he spoke. "Indeed, it shall. Until we meet again," he replied with a slight bow. And, with that, the man vanished.

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