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03 November 2013

The Boy in the Mirror : Chapter Three : Grand Entrance

"Where were you when you came out to protect me?" he asked after a bit. Stefan jumped down and crawled under his bed. He dashed out and jumped back up onto his bed. Sinbad immediately knew he'd been under his bed when the attack happened. He smiled and began petting him again. 
"Curse this storm!" sighed Emily as she gazed out the window of her carriage. Her husband beside her laughed. "What's so wrong with a storm? It is one of nature's grand performances!"
She turned her head and looked at the aging man with tired ocean blue eyes. "Sixty and still full of life."
"You're still  full of life as well, my love!" he said with a grin.
"I fear not as much as you. I'm happy to have retired from the flower shop early. My body can't handle the lifting of crates like I used to."
"You two are so senile at times."
The two looked at their youngest daughter. She was only seventeen and so rude to them only because she wasn't getting the inheritance before her brother. They'd taught her better yet she threw all of that out the window. Her golden hair flowed down in soft waves to her waist. Her bangs covered her forehead. She had her mother's ocean blue eyes but lacked the caring touch in them. Her lovely face was usually full of anger toward anyone who mocked her for lacking a higher place in birth. Her red bonnett sat atop her head, wet from the heavy rain in London. She wore a red French dress with a lovely red lace upon her neck and shoulders. "This isn't the right outfit for this weather but Lady Karen wouldn't agree with my white winter dress I'd just received from Lord Barren!" she huffed angrily, catching her mother's disapproving gaze at her outfit.
Emily sighed. "You have a point. I'm more worried about what we are going to do with her bastard son."
"She should get rid of him. Save everyone the trouble of hiding him from the rest of the family," said her husband.
"I agree, Erich."
Their daughter, lacking in the definitions of words, rolled her eyes. "What's so wrong with him being an illegitimate son?"
Emily and Erich glanced at each other. "I'd forgotten you were sick the day your tutor was supposed to teach you that the day Sinbad was born," said Emily.
"He is the result of Karen cheating on Jack."
"What!" she exclaimed. "So, he's in the way of my getting the money as well?!"
"No, he isn't. In fact, Karen has been removed from the list as well thanks to Jack."
"Yes!" she said with a dark grin. "Now, I can finally torture her!"
"I don't understand why my own daughter hates Karen."
"I didn't like her from the beginning and I was right about her not being right for Big Brother!"
"This is going to be a long trip," Erich muttered to himself as she went on and on about all of the bad things about Karen.
Erich burst through the door when they finally arrived, singing an old song his father made years ago. He danced around as he sang, happy to be visiting his children. Karen happened to be passing the door and was swept off her feet by the old man when he entered. She laughed as he swung her around in a dance. Despite her bad decision, Erich was still fond of her. He knew she'd been drunk and knew what stupid mistakes came of being drunk. He was the only one who understood. He still wasn't happy about Sinbad, though.
Emily frowned as she and her daughter entered. The two women were greeted by the butler. "It is nice to see you both again," he said as he bowed before taking their coats.
The daughter smiled at him, her cheeks a light pink as she fanned herself with her cherry blossom fan. He smiled at her and gave her a sly wink when her mother wasn't looking.
He slipped a small folded piece of paper into her hand as she passed him.  "There is tea and food waiting for you in the library. Your book has been set by your chair for you to continue reading, Miss Lily."
Emily smiled. "Truly a remarkable butler. As expected of a Bennett butler. Well, go on, Lily. Go finish that book you've been talking about since returning to London."
She happily ran off. The butler followed her to attend to her, noticing she was soaking wet from the heavy rain. "She should go to her room before going to the library," he and Emily laughed in unison.
Emily headed to the kitchen to get some of her favorite apple pie she knew was waiting for her.
Erich set Karen down. "How have you been?"
"I've been healthy but I am still fighting with my husband."
"I'm sure once Sinbad is gone, things will settle down."
"Lizzy will be taking him to an orphanage this Sunday."
"Let me take you to the new music room."
"I'd heard it was finished. I'm eager to see it!" He followed her with a big smile.
As soon as the large room was empty, a wind blew the double redwood doors open. Leaves swirled around in a vortex as the wind blew in. A spirit faded into view in the center of the vortex of leaves. He stopped in the center of the room. The wind died down and a former butler closed the doors. The butler watched as the surprise guest looked around.
The crystal chandlier above him reflected off of the smooth white granite floor. A dark green fern sat in each corner of the room. The tables the plants sat on were of the same design as the one Sinbad encountered on the third story.
Four columns created a square with their placement about ten feet from each corner. They were of white granite as well. A set of double French doors sat on his left, in front, and on his right. All of them were closed. A painting of the previous son of Jack and Karen sat on the wall on the right of the doors in front of him. "Oh, poor Rivaille. You did not deserve such an early death. I am afraid that you must calm down and understand the situation before your soul is taken over by the demons who wish to take advantage of the situation young Sinbad has found himself in."
"My lord, Sinbad is in his room," said the butler.
He smiled and walked through the doors before him. "It is time to end this pointless fight before Erich dies."

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