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05 November 2013

The Boy in the Mirror: Chapter Four: Dreaming of a Friend Part 1

Sinbad was unable to stay awake for long. With Stefan curled up against him, he closed his eyes after laying down and covering up with his faded silk blanket. He was quickly asleep. As soon as he fell asleep, he entered a dream. He was floating in a world of nothing but white. He was on his back, feeling as if he was lost. His eyes were closed. What felt like a hand grasped his own and pulled him up. He opened his eyes and saw a head of messy black hair but no face. Only a smile. He was entranced by this odd person as he was pulled up and into another completely different world. They now stood in a bustling town. People laughed and talked. Horses neighed. Dogs barked at a cat in an alleyway. The cat hissed. 
Vendors called out their wares and food. He could hear the hooves of the horses pulling around carriages clop against the cobblestone streets. The buildings were oddly not of brick but of wood. He looked around more and realized that what the horses pulled wasn't carriages but wooden wagons. The people were dressed in handmade clothes. Most were faded with time. Some of the horses were ridden without a wagon. He looked at the boy in shock and only received that same smile. He wore a different outfit from all the rest. He wore a robe of dark blue. His sleeves covered his hands. His robe parted at the bottom to reveal pants and black boots. A sword was on his right hip. The sheath was made of dark wood with gold intricate patterns all over. The hilt was of the same design. 
He looked around again. Outside of the town was a vast plain of hills, dried grass, and rocks. There was also trees scattered about and brush as far as the eye could see. All around them was a mountain range in the distance. 
He turned to the boy when he laughed. "Do you like it?"
"Yes, it's quite unusual and.....peaceful. Everyone seems so peaceful and happy." He turned his gaze to a little girl being picked up by her mother. Her father grinned proudly as she presented a circlet of flowers. Her mother smiled. "How beautiful!" she exclaimed happily. 
He felt a bit of jealousy. He forced himself to look away and realized the boy had started to walk away. He jogged to his side. "Where are we?"
"You are in the town of Aerin. This is the land of Univa."
"It's a very neat place."
"It is. Your world is amusing for us to look at but it's not that different from our own."
Sinbad pursed his lips in wonderment. All he knew was that humanity loved to fight over territory. Sure the land varied and was very interesting but the people were far and few in terms of real kindness. This was what he'd learn from the many scientific books he'd read. But then again, were they real? Fiction or non-fiction? He didn't know anymore. He wasn't allowed to leave the grounds of his home. He wished dearly to travel all over. His thoughts were broken by the boy's voice. 
"We are going to the city of Stonebuild." He was pointing at a huge set of walls not far ahead of them and from Aerin. It was a bit of a walk but not far. A castle could be seen towering above the walls. 
"Stonebuild?" he echoed, awed by how strong the walls looked. He itched to be inside those walls and see what secrets they held. "Well, let's go!" he said excitedly. 
The faceless boy grinned and took off running. Sinbad grinned and chased after him with a laugh. 

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