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08 December 2013

On Shaken Ground: Chapter 1

Year 15X
Warring Zones between the Zerf and Albard Nations
No Man's Land

    A low fog hung around the tops of the trenches on the battle field. A mix of dissipated gases and gunpowder made the fog have a sharp feel as it entered the nostrils of anyone who took a breath. Two lone soldiers stood in the midst of a trench, guns drawn and locked onto each other. They had been in a stalemate for what seemed like a century. Neither had budged in hours since the two sides had collided. Even in the cool of the fog both were sweating slightly from the mental and physical concentration to not take their eyes or their gun off their enemy. "I can do this all day," said the one in green mocking the other who wore a blue uniform. Amy Williams was the one in the green uniform. Her eyes and hair were colored a fair brown. The green uniform she proudly wore was splotched with mud that covered almost every aspect of her body. She was smilingly nervously at the other who returned a cold unemotional stare. The one in the blue uniform was known as Julia Vernald. Her blue eyes were as dark as the ocean's color and her blonde hair was neatly tucked into her cap. "If you were smart," remarked Julia, "you would not smile. It is a sign of weakness." Amy's smile faded but her lip twitched nervously. "I can't help if I find something funny." Julia frowned her mind curious but her strict training told her to focus on the stalemate. There was an awkward silence before Julia's curiosity won her over. "What's so funny?" Amy smiled again but quickly calmed her nervous habit. "It's just us right now. There hasn't been any shots fired in a long while." Julia's eyes flashed as her ears perked to listen to their surroundings. It was dreadfully silent and even the sound of the wind blowing was absent. "I don't like it," said Amy, her voice growing concerned for her men. "Neither do I," replied Julia, hiding her concern. "Shall we create a temporary truce?" Amy blinked in surprised and licked her lips tasting mud. "A truce? Now?" Julia lowered her pistol but sustained eye contact with Amy. "Yes. Now." Amy fidgeted and finally lowered her weapon and held out her hand. "Alright, but we shake on it. Just to be sure we're both on the same page." They both stepped forward and grasped each others forearms and gave it a rough shake before stepping back. "Good," Amy said, wiping her brow, smearing mud on her forehead. "Now what?" The sound of clapping echoed from the top of the trench as two soldiers dressed in brown uniforms and their faces covered with gas masks pointed their weapons from behind both Amy and Julia. "Drop the weapons is what you will do first."  Amy and Julia dropped their pistols and the two soldiers retrieved them. "Bring them here." The masked soldiers handed the pistols to the figure who was shrouded in the fog. "Now, you two help them up here. I want them to see our next phase." Amy mumbled something and was rewarded with the butt of a masked soldier's machine gun. Amy spat blood and smiled. "What's the matter? Never hit a girl hard before?"
    "Commander Williams and Admiral Vernald. It is a pleasure to meet you both." A handsome man with a jagged scar across his cheek greeted them with a mischievous grin. His sharp hazel eyes boasted of a malicious temper but his looks made him look as docile as a deer. Even his hair had been neatly combed to one side. Behind him multitudes of masked soldiers held what was left of their soldiers at gunpoint as far as they could see. In the distance a shot could be heard once in a while. "Your men are brave but fools. Those sounds," he said, stepping up to the two women and gesturing behind him, "are the fools. Gunned down as the dogs they are." Julia delivered a swift kick which caught the man right between the legs and sent him reeling. The two masker soldiers who had retrieved Julia and Amy rushed to Julia but the man croaked out a 'stop'. As he got back up, he groaned with pain. "I'll handle this." His right hand soared out and clocked Julia right on the chin. It was enough to turn her head but she remained where she stood. "A tough one huh?" He snapped his fingers and the two men smacked both Amy and Julia with the butt of their rifle sending them to their knees. The man strolled right behind them and pointed the pistols at the back of their heads. "See, I'm going to kill you both with each other's guns. Different models means different bullets. Your nations would never use the same weapons. My empire won't care as long as it works." Amy's mouth twitched and Julia went completely silent with her tied up hair now dangling in her face. The man laughed and cocked both pistols. "I do believe this is where the antagonist asks for the final words." He laughed as a barrage of gunfire signaled the death of Amy and Julia's soldiers. When the smoke cleared, a single choked sob came from Amy as she stared at the bodies in green uniforms. "Commander." Amy turned her grief stricken face towards Julia who was staring at her dead men. "Is it true your nation of Albard has a saying, 'An eye for an eye'?" Amy shook her head sadly. "It makes the whole world blind." Julia's eyelid twitched as she sneered. "Then let's leave them with one eye." 
Julia spun her leg sweeping out from under the man. In one fluid motion she stole back her gun and fired two rounds killing the soldiers blocking their way to the trenches. "Holy fuck! How did you-!?" Julia squeezed the trigger again and blasted a hole clean through the side of the man's right eye. He screamed in pain and shock as blood gushed from his wound. 

    Amy took the chance and grabbed her gun sliding feet first into the trenches. Julia landed next to her as a hail of bullets rained down by them. "Run!" Julia shouted to Amy. Amy bolted through the muddy walls zigzagging left and right. Julia plodded right behind her as stray bullet fire zipped around them. "What's the plan?!" Amy panted as she made a sharp right and slid into the wall. "Run faster!" Julia shouted, over taking her. "After that?!" Amy yelled running after her. "Run more!" Julia found a dead end but picked up speed and clambered up quickly. Amy followed suit and, as she hopped up, Julia grasped her hand and pulled her the rest of the way. "Into the fog! Stay close!" Amy nodded, her head reeling from a multitude of things. Both dashed into the fog as the sound of cannon fire rumbled in the distance. "Mortars!?" Amy gasped as one landed close causing her to stumble. "They're trying to kill whoever is left!" Julia shouted sweat dripping heavily from her face. "Wait, get ba-!?" Julia had no time to react as a mortar smacked down right in front of them and sent her flying rendering her unconscious.

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